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exhibits Ocicats at many CFA cat shows around the United States. These
shows help improve the breed quality by ensuring common breed goals, the
standards for which are set by a breed council.
Judges rate each cat according to these standards, so cats that win awards at
these shows have demonstrated excellence from multiple judgings based on a set
of standards for the breed.
Cat shows also provide us the opportunity to present the
quality of our cats to the public. The quality of Ocicats has been
improving over the years, and competition is strong. WildTracks
cats have been consistent winners in shows nationwide.
See our Guided
Tour Through a Cat Show!
Show Awards
We are proud of our Ocicats, and would like to share with you some of our cats
and their hard-earned recognition awards. See our Glossary of Terms for details about award names.
WildTracks Sojourner
Grand Champion, Breed Winner, National Winner!
2012-2013 Awards:
Best Overall Ocicat in CFA Championship |
12th Best Cat in CFA |
2011-2012 Awards:
Best All-Breed Kitten, Gulf Shore Region |
WildTracks Millennium Mystic
Grand Champion, Breed Winner, National Winner!
Cover of Cat Fancier's Almanac
2002-2003 Awards:
 | Best Overall Ocicat in CFA Championship |
 | 14th Best Cat in CFA |
Grand Champion, Regional Winner
2001-2002 Awards:
 | 2nd Best Ocicat Kitten, CFA |
 | 6th Best Kitten, Gulf Shore Region |
WildTracks Millennium Moon
Grand Champion, Breed Winner, National Winner!
2001-2002 Awards:
 | First ever CFA Ocicat Female National
Winner |
 | Best Overall Ocicat in CFA Championship |
Grand Champion, Regional Winner
2000-2001 Awards:
 | 2-time "Best Kitten" in Show |
 | 3rd Best Ocicat Kitten, CFA |
 | 10th Best Kitten, Gulf Shore Region |
WildTracks Millennium Magic
Grand Champion
2000-2001 Award:
 | 3rd Best Ocicat, Gulf Shore Region |
Other Grand Champion and Grand
Premier WildTracks Cats
Cats that have "Granded" (i.e., hold the title
"Grand Champion" or "Grand
Premier") have placed higher than 200 other
"Champion" or 75 other "Premier"
cats during shows.
Grand Champion WildTracks Paragon of TeKats (owned by
Ron & Charlotte TeBrink) |
 | Grand Premier WildTracks Night Walker (owned &
shown by Jeniece Kimminau) |
Distinguished Merit Awards (DM)
Cats that have produced either 5 Grand offspring (for females)
or 15 Grand offspring (for males) earn the Distinguished Merit award.
See WildTracks cats and kittens
on the covers of Magazines.
For more information on CFA Cat Shows and judging, see the CFA
Shows page.